Spencer and I have been talking about getting a new t.v. for a very long time. When we saw the Wal-mart ad, we knew that the time for buying a t.v. had finally arrived. We didn't want to miss out on this sale! We went to Thanksgiving lunch at Aunt Estella's and then we headed back home around 6. My mom agreed to watch Tarren while we went to Wal-mart. We dropped him off around 9 and went to Wal-Mart. I know we are crazy! We found out where everything was suppose to be and went to the main area to sit. We were the first there. The line started to form around 10:30...so we weren't the only crazy ones. We played cards and made friends with the people in line. Around two, Spencer left to go sit by where the t.v.'s that we wanted were going to be placed. I stayed in the line I was at for the portable dvd player and there was a chance that my cousin Ricky wanted a 50" plasma. Around 4 a.m., the line was huge and people were starting to get anxious. This older hispanic lady came out of no where and sat next to me in line. We were all really confused. She had her grandaughter with her too. They asked the girl next to me where she got this vacuum and when she told her the grandaughter asked us if we would move the cart. We thought she meant the cart in front of her...so the girl said yes. When she left, we all started talking about it and tried to figure out if she was cutting or not. When she came back, I asked her what she was doing and told her the line was way back there. She acted like she didn't understand me. I got the lady behind me to ask her in spanish and she still just ignored us. Word travels fast and people down the line started getting worked up about her cutting. When the manager came out, they were all up there complaining. The hispanic lady tried to say she was there at 10:30. Well, the manager just ignored her and when he handed out tickets just passed her up. So, it all worked out. I got a ticket for the t.v. for Ricky. He came up there at 4 and we just said he was going to pay for it. No one fussed or anything. I got my portable dvd player and headed to the front to find Spencer. It took me at least 15 minutes to try and make it to the front. I can not believe how crowded it was. I felt sorry for the people in line because there was no way they were going to get anything.
Spencer's experience was a lot different. The t.v.'s were just stacked in the aisle. There was suppose to be a line, but it really was just a big crowd. People started coming out of nowhere and pushing and shoving...so before 5 Spencer just went ahead and grabbed our t.v.'s off the stack. He went and got all of the toys we wanted too and made it to the front to check out.
The car was stuffed to the top. We went to Academy afterwards and got a ping pong table. It was sooooo heavy. We had to put it on top of the car. When we got home, we started to set things up. It was like Christmas!!! I got to take an hour nap and Spencer didn't go to bed until we all went to bed at 6:30 that night. It was fun and crazy at the same time.
On another note, Tarren has started to get his bottom teeth in. He is sitting up really good by himself, but he is not crawling yet. He will scoot with this face on the floor, but he just can't get that big body off the ground. It is probably better for us. We can kind of keep him in one place.
I think that is all that has happened since the last time I wrote. Only three more weeks till Christmas break!!! I can't wait!! It has been fun being home with Tarren these last few days.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Doctors, pictures and goofy Tarren
I can't believe how fast time is flying! October is already almost over...CRAZY!! This week has been a very eventful week for us. Tarren likes to pull anything over his head and lay very still or he does the opposite and kicks and throws his arms like crazy. It can be a blanket, clothes, towel or even his bib. I got a picture of him doing it the other night.
Spencer chose this one. He said it depicted his personality. I do have to admit every time I see it I laugh.
On Sunday night, I noticed around where Tarren was circumcised was really red and sensitive. So, I took him to the doctor on Monday after school. We got to the office and they had us go back into a room with a nurse who weighed him and then wrote down what was wrong. Well, Tarren weighed in at a whopping 20lbs. The nurse could not get over how chunky he is and how cute he is. She asked to hold him. So, I let her. After a few minutes, she gave him back and said she woudl let me know when another room became available. About two minutes later there was knock on the door, I thought it was the doctor. It was the same nurse and she brought another nurse to show her how cute Tarren was. They left and about two minutes later the same nurse came in and asked me if she could show the rest of the nurses. So, she took him down the hall. She was gone for at least ten minutes. I could hear them talking about how cute he was and one nurse said, "he is to gorgeous to be a boy." I didn't know whether to take that as a compliment or not. Either he is a really cute baby or he looks like a girl? Well, she finally brought him back and then I could go to another room. The doctor saw him and said it was jut really raw and not an infection yet. She prescribed an ointment for just in case. We went home. That night, he got sick with a cold. He was literally choking on snot. I went to the Walgreens and got a vaporizer. I stayed home with him the next day and then on Wednesday...I wasn't feeling too hot. So, I stayed home. My work week was short. I went back to school on Thursday.
I had a volleyball game that day...so I could not miss. Spencer brought Tarren to the game because he was doing much better. He had a bib on that said Hunk and stinker Spencer put a piece of paper with the letter C in front of it so it said...CHUNK. Everyone got a kick out of that. Tarren eventually almost ate the C off of the bib.
On Friday, we had Tarren's 6 month pictures . We had him wear his Halloween costume. He is a monkey. The pictures turned out pretty good. I chose one for a 10x13 and Spencer chose one for some wallets.

There were a lot of cute ones.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
I am really bad at these
Favorite TV Shows:
1. America's Next Top Model
2. Wipe Out
3. CSI
4. Hell's Kitchen
5. Funniest Home Videos
6. Night Line
7. Jimmy Kimmel
8. Seinfield
8 Favorite Restaurants:
1. Gringos
2. Pappa's
3. Texas Roadhouse
4. Pappasitos
5. La Finca
6. Cajun Grill
7. Brennans
8. Whataburger
8 Things that happened yesterday:
1. Went to work
2. Had a good volleyball practice
3. Worked out my legs...hard...I am still sore
4. Went to Walmart
5. Ate dinner with my husband
6. Feed Tarren green beans( baby food)
7. Played the wii
8. Cuddled my husband till I fell asleep
8 Things I Look Forward to:
1. Volleyball season to be over with
2. Christmas break
3. Going to the Rockets game with my husband
4. Tarren saying his first word
5. Thanksgiving...yeah for turkey
6. Summer Vacation
7. Getting back to my pre-baby size...few more lbs
8. The weekend
8 Things I love About Fall:
1. Cooler weather...well sort of cooler
2. The smells
3. Being able to wear my jackets sometimes
4. Decorating for Halloween
5. Rocket games
6. Being near friends and family
7. Leaves falling
8. Spencer's birthday
8 Things on my wish list:
1. To live life to the fullest
2. To be the best wife/mother ever!
3. A trip to somewhere new
4. Visit old friends
5. To have more energy...I need to keep up with Spencer
6. Eat better
7. Become better at sewing
8. Hmmm...
8 People I am tagging:
1. America's Next Top Model
2. Wipe Out
3. CSI
4. Hell's Kitchen
5. Funniest Home Videos
6. Night Line
7. Jimmy Kimmel
8. Seinfield
8 Favorite Restaurants:
1. Gringos
2. Pappa's
3. Texas Roadhouse
4. Pappasitos
5. La Finca
6. Cajun Grill
7. Brennans
8. Whataburger
8 Things that happened yesterday:
1. Went to work
2. Had a good volleyball practice
3. Worked out my legs...hard...I am still sore
4. Went to Walmart
5. Ate dinner with my husband
6. Feed Tarren green beans( baby food)
7. Played the wii
8. Cuddled my husband till I fell asleep
8 Things I Look Forward to:
1. Volleyball season to be over with
2. Christmas break
3. Going to the Rockets game with my husband
4. Tarren saying his first word
5. Thanksgiving...yeah for turkey
6. Summer Vacation
7. Getting back to my pre-baby size...few more lbs
8. The weekend
8 Things I love About Fall:
1. Cooler weather...well sort of cooler
2. The smells
3. Being able to wear my jackets sometimes
4. Decorating for Halloween
5. Rocket games
6. Being near friends and family
7. Leaves falling
8. Spencer's birthday
8 Things on my wish list:
1. To live life to the fullest
2. To be the best wife/mother ever!
3. A trip to somewhere new
4. Visit old friends
5. To have more energy...I need to keep up with Spencer
6. Eat better
7. Become better at sewing
8. Hmmm...
8 People I am tagging:
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Who does he look like???
These are the closest pictures I could find in age for us and Tarren. We might be a little older than Tarren is, but they will have to do for now. Isn't Spencer a cutie!!!???
5 months...
Tarren is now officially 5 months old. He is such a good eater that I decided to go ahead and give him baby food. His first baby food was butternut squash and he actually kind of liked it. He ate the whole jar.
And Dish Towels.
He is really starting to grab on to things and put them in his mouth. This would include but not limited to:

Friday, September 19, 2008
The Husband Tag
Here you go Morgan..
1. Where did you meet? We met at the singles ward. He was working in Houston for the summer as a Pest Control Salesman.
2. How long did you date before you were married? 11 months
3. How long have you been married? A little over two years
4. What does he do that surprises you? He is always FULL of surprises! The list would go on and on and on....
5. What is you favorite feature of his? Oh there are so many...but I really like his smile and dimples.
6. What is your favorite quality of his? His compassion. He is always willing to help and serve others.
7. Does he have a Nickname for you? We just call each other babe.
8. What is his favorite color? I would have to say blue, but he says red too because it looks good on me.
9. What is his favorite food? Anything Mexican...
10. What is his favorite sport? He loves basketball!
11. When and where was your first kiss? We met on Sunday and he kissed me on Monday. I thought he was leaning in for a hug and he planted one on me. STINKER!! I enjoyed it though. ;)
12. Favorite thing to do as a couple? Play sports, go to games, watch movies together...pretty much just to be together. It doesn't matter what it is we do.
13. Do you have any children? Yes, our son Tarren.
14. Does he have a hidden talent? I would say so. He is able to make anyone laugh.
15. How old is he? Almost 26...yes I am older than him by 8 months.
16. Who said I love you first? He did
17. What is his favorite type of music? Latin
18. What do you admire most about him? What a hard worker he is and how positive he is.
19. Do you think he will read this? Probably not... he would rather me tell him about it.
1. Where did you meet? We met at the singles ward. He was working in Houston for the summer as a Pest Control Salesman.
2. How long did you date before you were married? 11 months
3. How long have you been married? A little over two years
4. What does he do that surprises you? He is always FULL of surprises! The list would go on and on and on....
5. What is you favorite feature of his? Oh there are so many...but I really like his smile and dimples.
6. What is your favorite quality of his? His compassion. He is always willing to help and serve others.
7. Does he have a Nickname for you? We just call each other babe.
8. What is his favorite color? I would have to say blue, but he says red too because it looks good on me.
9. What is his favorite food? Anything Mexican...
10. What is his favorite sport? He loves basketball!
11. When and where was your first kiss? We met on Sunday and he kissed me on Monday. I thought he was leaning in for a hug and he planted one on me. STINKER!! I enjoyed it though. ;)
12. Favorite thing to do as a couple? Play sports, go to games, watch movies together...pretty much just to be together. It doesn't matter what it is we do.
13. Do you have any children? Yes, our son Tarren.
14. Does he have a hidden talent? I would say so. He is able to make anyone laugh.
15. How old is he? Almost 26...yes I am older than him by 8 months.
16. Who said I love you first? He did
17. What is his favorite type of music? Latin
18. What do you admire most about him? What a hard worker he is and how positive he is.
19. Do you think he will read this? Probably not... he would rather me tell him about it.
Tree Fun...
We went down to Pearland yesterday to cut down a tree. The guy is paying Spencer and his brother to cut down this tree. We thought it would be a big tree, but when we got there we were amazed. The tree is HUGE!!! It's base is about half the size of a small car and then it has four big branches sprouting out of it. One of those branches is actually leaning on the house. It grew that way.
It was a new experience for me and I got my workout for the week!
This is after Spencer had cut down two of the branches.
When they cut down one of the branches, there was a nest of baby squirrels in there. They took the part of the tree that had them in it and placed in across the street in the forest.
There were times when I could not watch Spencer up in the tree. He was soooo high. It made me really nervous.
There were cars parked in the driveway and the people were not in town...so it was quite hard to get down some of the tree and we weren't able to get down two of the biggest portion. We tried to get down some of the branch on the left and almost dropped it on the truck. It caught in the other tree under it. THANK GOODNESS!!!!
It stopped inches from the green truck.
Spencer enjoyed himself very much! He even took time to make a little something for me.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
We did not have school on Friday because of Ike. So, I was prepared to spend the day getting ready for the hurricane. Spencer went shopping on Thursday to get us some necessary things. We decided that we should get a generator too. He looked all over and they were out of them at every store. Home Depot over by my work told him they had a shipment coming in at 3 in the morning and they opened up at 6. So, Spencer got up Friday morning at 4 to go wait in line. He was the 3rd person in line. At 7:00, the shipment still hadn't arrived. He decided to call the other Home Depot that is on Fry Road and they had a shipment of generators. He drove over there and was able to get us one. It is a good thing he did because we lost power on Friday night and did not get it back until Tuesday morning. That was the longest weekend of my life. The days seemed to drag on. It is amazing how much I take electricity for granted. Spencer's 2 aunt's, uncle and mom came over to stay with us. We enjoyed Friday evening with electricity. The weather was nice outside and the sky was beautiful.
At 1:00 the power went off. Spencer got out of bed and went out into the rain to get the generator going. He did an awesome job of keeping us safe and staying on top of things around here. After the storm had passed, we only had a piece of our back fence down. Spencer nailed that up and it was good as new. The neighbor's tree was broke in a couple of places...so Spencer got his chainsaw out and went to work.
It rained on Sunday morning and flooded our streets. The Aunts and MiMi took Tarren out to see.
It was another long day on Monday and finally this morning at 7:00 the power came on. Tarren enjoyed having his grandmother and great aunts in town. They gave him all sorts of attention and took him for walks in his stroller. He LOVES going on walks. However, he suffers later with his allergies. He gets way stuffy at night.
He was the only one that got to take a warm bath while the power was out.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Stanton Olympics!!!
For the past three years, we have been going to the Stanton Summer Olympics. It is a group of young married couples that get together for a bunch of different events. We have to dress up with a costume each year. Spencer and I were WonderWoman and SuperMan last year. I always forget to take pictures, but this year I actually took a few. I wish I would have taken more, but I didn't. Anyways, the first year we got first at the summer olympics and the winter olympics. Last year, we got 2nd at the summer olympics and unfortunately this year we got third. We seem to be getting worse each year. This year we had to represent a country that started with our last name...so Spencer and I were Brazil. We got a Brazil soccer uniform. It turned out pretty good.
We went to a high school for the first few events. The events were: ping pong tournament, obstacle course and an academic relay. We did not do so hot after these 3. I did place third in ping pong, but the other two events were embarassing for us. We only had 6 points and were in 8th place out of 9 couples. We went back to the house and had 4 more events. They were: rootbeer relay, golf chipping, underwater holding your breath and small basketball goal shooting. We got first in the rootbeer chugging relay, 3rd in the underwater holding breath and I think 4th in the basketball shooting. We did not place in the golf chipping. I suck at golf. We had a chance to win the entire competition if we would have placed high in the golf, but we ended up with third. There is always next year...
We stayed the night at Spencer's mom's house and Tarren slept on the big bean bag. I came in and Tarren and Spencer were both sleeping in the same manner.
We went to church on Sunday and I dressed Tarren in his sunday outfit that we bought him. It is a 3-6 month suit and he almost did not fit. He looked very handsome.
Monday, September 1, 2008
First week of school...
So, this past week was the first of week of school. It was pretty interesting. I am so exhausted from it that I didn't want to go anywhere this weekend. I just wanted to stay inside. We had volleyball try-outs for the 7th and 8th grade girls. I am an 8th grade coach, but we have to go to both try-outs to help out. So, I had to be there at 5:45 a.m. and then stay till 4:30 after school. We normally only go 3 days, but it was so hard to decide we had to go 4. I hate doing cuts. We have to pull the kids into our office and tell them if they made it or they didn't. It is so heartbreaking when you have to tell the kids they didn't make it and they start to cry. It is tormenting. I wish we did what they used to do when I was in Junior High...post a made list. This way if they didn't make the team they wouldn't have to try and fight the tears in front of their coaches. You can see it in their faces how humiliated they are that they are crying in front of you. I HATE CUTS!!!! I am not looking forward to when I have to do it again during basketball season. Other than how long my week seemed and the horrible cuts I had to do, I think it will be a good year.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Tarren's 4 month check-up
We went to the doctor today for Tarren's 4 month check-up. It is a little early because I start work on wednesday and I wouldn't be able to take him later on this month. Anyways, he weighed in at 16 lbs 5 oz. I know...he is a chunk! I can't believe how much he weighs. He is in the 80th percentile for his weight and the 75 percentile for head and height. He is 25 inches long...not too shabby. He had another round of vaccination shots. He was not too happy about those. He cried for a good 5 minutes and didn't want me to put him in the carseat. So, I held him till he calmed down and then we went our way. At least it will be another two months before we have to go through that again.
I start work tomorrow and Tarren will start going to Grandma's house full time. The first couple of weeks we have inservice so I will get to leave for lunch. We get a little over an hour. I plan to go visit my baby boy. This should ease me into getting use to leaving him all day. I still can't believe how fast the summer went. It feels like yesterday I was coming home from the hospital. I know the school year will go just as fast. For now, I must get ready for tomorrow.
I start work tomorrow and Tarren will start going to Grandma's house full time. The first couple of weeks we have inservice so I will get to leave for lunch. We get a little over an hour. I plan to go visit my baby boy. This should ease me into getting use to leaving him all day. I still can't believe how fast the summer went. It feels like yesterday I was coming home from the hospital. I know the school year will go just as fast. For now, I must get ready for tomorrow.
Saturday, August 9, 2008

We got up early yesterday and went to College Station for my brother's graduation. My dad came down from Kansas. I didn't know he was going to be there...it was exciting. Spencer went to the bathroom and passed the concession stand. He came back and got me to show me what it said. It had on the stand NACHOS with cheese....3.00. Well, we thought that was odd because we thought the definition of nachos was chips with cheese so it seemed a little redundant. I looked up the definition of nachos and it said: a snack or appetizer consisting of a small piece of tortilla topped with cheese, hot peppers, etc., and broiled...
We asked the concession stand workers and they ended up getting really confused. Here are their nachos...
And here is their cheese...
So, technically their sign should say... CHIPS with cheese...3.00. It was quite entertaining. Let's here it for the Aggies!!! :) I have nothing against them...I just thought it was funny.
We stayed down there and had lots of fun. Here are some pics of the fun times.
My dad, step-mom, Daniel and the kids.
Tarren's new thing...sucking in his bottom lip.

Cool Tarren!!

Thursday, August 7, 2008
We went to Lubbock a couple of weekends ago to be there for our nephew's baptism and his brother's baby blessing. It was a nine hour drive and wasn't too bad on the way up. However, I got sick for the weekend and the trip home was miserable. I went to the doctor the following Monday and got medicine. So, these last few weeks I have not been as good about blogging or taking pictures. I do have a few though. We decided on the trip that we needed to start Tarren on cereal when we got home because he was just drinking way to much milk. My mom was kind enough to get us a few infafeeder bottles. I love them! It is so easy to feed him. I just make the cereal, dump it in the bottle and he sucks it down. I will try feeding him with a spoon maybe once a week.
He has also picked up a bad habit since we have gotten back. He is sucking his thumb. It does not matter what you do, he will put it right back in his mouth. We finally gave up on the idea of stopping him right now. We will wait until he is older and can understand a little better. I tried putting socks on his hands, but that didn't stop him either. He sucks those socks just as hard.
Another fantastic item given to us as a present is the baby hawk. I love it! We were trying to get the house cleaned up and Tarren was being fussy...so I put him in it and he actually fell asleep.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Summer Fun
Yesterday we went down to Pearland to have Tarren's picture taken. I had a free coupon from Olan Mills and the closest place was in Macy's in Pearland. So, we headed down to Pearland. The lady taking his picture was not the best. She could not get him to smile and if we tried to help she kept saying that we were confusing him. So, we got one pose for free and then the others we would have to pay for. I really just went for the free pose. It made it easier not to want to buy more pictures because of our options. They really weren't that fantastic. We were able to make it out of there without buying anything. We left there and met Spencer's mom, Lexi and Hunter for lunch. After lunch, we went back to the house and watched a movie. After the movie, we went outside to enjoy the hot weather for a little bit. Spencer and Hunter played a baseball game and I pushed Lexi in the swing. Then Spencer, Lexi and Hunter were playing on a slip 'n slide. They were having a lot of fun. I am not to keen on doing anything that requires me to land on my frontside right now...so I did not join in. I think after I stop nursing Tarren that I will find my way back to joys of landing on my stomach and chest. We hung out in Pearland until 11:30. It was fun to visit.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Everyone should love chocolate!!!
Last night, we decided to have brownies after dinner. So, I mixed up a batch of brownie mix and Spencer decided to let Tarren have a taste.
Spencer put it in his mouth. I think he got a little in his mouth, but most of it ended up on his face.
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