
Jasten Allen

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Samuel Ryder

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Tarren James

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Monday, January 19, 2009

How fast time flys

It is amazing how fast time flys. Tarren will be 9 months on Saturday. It does not seem like that much time has past since I had him. He is growing like a weed! He has his two bottom teeth in and is starting to get one on the top. He loves to chew on EVERYTHING! He loves to try anything that we are eating. When we are eating, he will just stare at you until you give him some. Once he has had a taste, he sits there with his mouth open ready for more. It reminds me of a baby bird. His personality is coming out more and more everyday. He is one funny little boy! His expressions are priceless. He still is quite the chunk. We are hoping that when he starts crawling it will just drop off and he will even out. He is not quite crawling yet. He wants to! He will start to try and lean that way and get up on one knee but once the other one comes out he plops to his belly. He is really good at scooting on his bottom. I put him down at one place and when I come back he is all the way across the room. He is trying to pull up on things, but he can't quite figure out how to get that much weight off the ground. He trys to pull his whole body up with just his arms. Yeah, that isn't happening. I do love that he is sooo huggable! He is just so squishy! I shall call him squishy and he shall be mine. He shall be my squishy! (For all of you that watch finding Nemo)

(At grandma's) You can see his two teeth.

Everything goes in the mouth...

The dog would go in his mouth too if he could catch her.

He still sticks his tongue out when you get him too smile.

He loves going to grandma's!
When it comes to Spencer and I, not too much has really happened. I was called to be the camp director for our ward. I don't know what it is, but this calling seems to keep popping up for me. In our last ward, I was called to go to camp. I think that it might have something to do with the fact that when I was a young woman I really did not enjoy camp that much. It is funny how that works. However, I might not even be able to go if the camp is too late. It will either be the first or second week in August. If it is the second, I won't be able to go because I start work on that Wednesday. We will see. We are almost done with basketball season. I have 3 more weeks and then it is on to tennis. I still can't believe how fast the year is going. Spencer is still working for Preventive part-time and going to school. We are looking forward to the warmer weather coming up so that we can start going to the park again and playing basketball and tennis. We have not been exercising as much as we should. Anyways, that is about it.


Camille said...

Welcome back to the blogging world! And Tarren is so freakin adorable...those pictures are too cute!

Steph said...

He's so cute! They grow up way to fast!

Joseph, Cherise, and Colton said...

He is such a cutie!

Lexie, Jacob, &, Dominic Bradshaw said...

i check out your blog all the time tarren is soooooooooo cute! i spoke w/ spencer a little bit ago and promised i would give you guys ours. bradshawblogger.blogspot.com
hope you enjoy

Lexie, Jacob, & Dom

Three most important people in my life

Three most important people in my life