
Jasten Allen

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Samuel Ryder

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Tarren James

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Saturday, April 16, 2011

One long week...

This past week has been one of the longest weeks of my life. We found out that they were going to be doing lay-offs in our district. I was a little stressed out. We are not quite in a financial spot where I could not work yet plus we want to have a third child and I am not so sure we could afford that on a single income. Anyways, they came to our school to do the lay-offs on Wednesday and talk about being stressed. Everytime I heard a door open, I thought they were coming for me. They never came down to talk to me, so I guess for now I am safe. They laid off 7 people at our school. They are suppose to come back next week to do reassignments. I have a feeling I will probably be reassigned to another school because we have 3 PE teachers and I think they are going down to 2. We will see. I am just happy for now I have a job. On Thursday, the high school students decided to do a walk out and since our junior high is right next door to the high school, our kids decided to do the same. Friday a bunch of them just never came to class. It was one crazy week. It will be interesting to see how the next few go. On a positive note, we only have 7 more weeks until Summer vaction. I am looking forward to that!

So, these last few days Samuel has started to be a little more mobile. He is now laying on his stomach and dragging himself along as he pulls with his arms and pushes with his feet. He has quite the temper. He is WAY different than Tarren. You could Tarren no and he would stop, but Samuel seems to not really care and continues to do whatever he wants. He is a mama's boy for sure. He loves to be held by his mama.

(The red eye in my camera is about to start driving me crazy!)

Tarren is turning 3 in a week. I can not believe it has already been 3 years! He is so excited! He keeps telling me that he wants a cars birthday party. So, we are just going to have a simple party with a cars cake. I caught him today singing happy birthday to himself. It was cute.

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