
Jasten Allen

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Samuel Ryder

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Tarren James

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Birthday Party and 2 month check-up

We went to Chucky Cheese last weekend for my cousin's son's birthday. It was a little hectic for me because I had 2 kids and Spencer had to work. Tarren wanted to run all over and touch all of the toys. So, I left Samuel with my Aunt while I followed Tarren around. His idea of playing the games is a little different. He wanted to play air hockey, but he didn't want to hit it back and forth. He wanted to keep putting the puck in the slot and getting it out. So, we did that for awhile.

We went to play the skeet ball, but he didn't want to let go of the balls. He wasn't quite strong enough to get it up, so I helped him. However, once the last ball was gone he was very sad. He kept saying over and over, "my ball" and raising his hands like where did they go.

We tried the game where you hit the alligators that pop up. He drop it after a second and I had to finish it for him.

He rode a little ride with the birthday boy, Reese.

It was a lot of fun, but quite tiring also. We enjoyed seeing all of the family and visiting.

Samuel had his 2 month check-up on Thursday. I remember the stats, but not the percentage he falls in. I usually get a paper with the print out, but I had to get his shot record paper and some other papers signed for his daycare. So, in all of the craziness, I forgot his stats. I do remember he was 12lbs, 22 1/2 inches long and his head I think was 16 inches.(I could be off a little) It was funny to watch Tarren in there. Anything the doctor did to Samuel, Tarren wanted done to him. However, when it came to the shots Tarren did not want to join in. He just watched. The doctor said he is growing excellent on the curve and is right on track. The only thing is he is favoring one side of his head, so it it starting to go a little flat. So, we roll up a blanket and put it on that side to make him keep his head to the right. He is growing fast and his personality is starting to come out. He sleeps through the night, but he usually crys for a few minutes when we first lay him down. We had to have him sleeping through the night because I went back to work and it would have been really hard to function if I had to get up all hours of the night.
Yes, he is wearing a "born in 2008" onesie. We recycled Tarren's clothes and he was born in 2008. That is why I don't like to buy clothes that have the dates on them because it doesn't make since if you use them for another kid.

1 comment:

123 checkoutourfamily said...

you should put up your sketch. It's so cute!

Three most important people in my life

Three most important people in my life