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Friday, September 19, 2008

Tree Fun...

We went down to Pearland yesterday to cut down a tree. The guy is paying Spencer and his brother to cut down this tree. We thought it would be a big tree, but when we got there we were amazed. The tree is HUGE!!! It's base is about half the size of a small car and then it has four big branches sprouting out of it. One of those branches is actually leaning on the house. It grew that way.

This is after Spencer had cut down two of the branches.
When they cut down one of the branches, there was a nest of baby squirrels in there. They took the part of the tree that had them in it and placed in across the street in the forest.

There were times when I could not watch Spencer up in the tree. He was soooo high. It made me really nervous.

There were cars parked in the driveway and the people were not in town...so it was quite hard to get down some of the tree and we weren't able to get down two of the biggest portion. We tried to get down some of the branch on the left and almost dropped it on the truck. It caught in the other tree under it. THANK GOODNESS!!!!

It stopped inches from the green truck.

Spencer enjoyed himself very much! He even took time to make a little something for me.

It was a new experience for me and I got my workout for the week!

1 comment:

123 checkoutourfamily said...

cute! I like how he carved your name in the tree.

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Three most important people in my life